Best thing about Battlefield in a Box is that you don't really have to do anything to them and they are battle ready. The pieces are heavy and solid, and in the several years I've had them they don't really seem prone to chipping. In particular we have two sets here, the Badlands Plateau and the Badlands Bluff. There are two other sets in this series and now I intend to finally complete the entire set with Badlands Tors and Badlands Pillars.
Obviously there's a lot of cool stuff in the line, especially for 15mm games - Flames of War in particular. Of course these pieces aren't scale specifics, so they can be placed on a variety of tables and still fit right in. In these pics I've got them set up on my Tablewar Cave Floor, and it's probably the best match for them - but they look good on any table you want to set them up on. To fit with a greener theme, just add some flock and static grass.