Sunday, June 3, 2018

Nether War: Evil Outpost Scenarios

Dungeons & Dragons: The Nether War
It gets worse before it gets better.

The Nether War has begun!

The following are the scenario lists for all Tier 1 Evil bases, i.e. outposts.  Each outpost has two scenarios to be cleared, a D&D Attack Wing scenario and a D&D Miniatures scenario.  These scenarios are quick and easy for new players to enjoy.

Victory conditions and bonuses are likewise kept simple for this part of the campaign...but it all ramps up from here.

Tier 1 - Evil Outposts

Zhentarim Outpost
Zhentarim Outpost
A camp at the base of the Nether Mountains from which the Zhentarim coordinate efforts with the Cult and their Morueme masters.
  1. Scenario 1
    • Standard D&D Miniatures; 50 point Skirmish.
  2. Scenario 2
    • Standard Attack Wing; 120 Legion Points.
If the Good player clears the base on the first try, he deploys his entire Skirmish force after the opponent's entire Skirmish force in the first Skirmish of the next attack.

Cult Outpost
Cult Outpost
At the edge of the High Forest, the Cult has its eyes and ears waiting for telltale movements of the Enclave.
  1. Scenario 1
    • Standard D&D Miniatures; 50 point Skirmish.
  2. Scenario 2
    • Standard Attack Wing; 120 Legion Points.
If the Good player clears the base on the first try, he deploys his entire Skirmish force after the opponent's entire Skirmish force in the first Skirmish of the next attack. 

Zhentarim War Camp
Zhentarim Warcamp
Mustering far from the main front of the war to come, reserves for the dragon's armies prepare for battle on the other side of the mountains.
  1. Scenario 1
    • Standard D&D Miniatures; 100 point Skirmish.
  2. Scenario 2
    • Standard Attack Wing; 120 Legion Points.
If the Good player clears the base on the first try, he deploys his entire Skirmish force after the opponent's entire Skirmish force in the first Skirmish of the next attack.

Cult Shrine
Cult Shrine
In the foothills at the base of Nether Peak, the Dragon Cult keeps a temple and simple altar where they meet regularly.  Rituals of supplication and sacrifices are made to the Morueme.
  1. Scenario 1
    • Standard D&D Miniatures; 100 point Skirmish.
  2. Scenario 2
    • Standard Attack Wing; 120 Legion Points.
If the Good player clears the base on the first try, he deploys his entire Skirmish force after the opponent's entire Skirmish force in the first Skirmish of the next attack.

Black Market
Black Market
A lucrative operation in the foothills outside Jalanthar is obtaining weapons for use by the cultists and mercenaries making up the armies of the dragons.
  1. Scenario 1
    • Standard D&D Miniatures; 200 point Skirmish.
  2. Scenario 2
    • Standard Attack Wing; 120 Legion Points.
If the Good player clears the base in one attack, 1 Good Dragon costs 50% less Legion Points (before upgrades) in the first Attack Wing scenario in the next attack.

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